What happens when you release toxins?

Toxic overload can cause a number of changes in the body. In the early stages, the body tries to expel those toxins by any means necessary. You may experience diarrhea, sneezing or coughing attacks, excessive urination, sore throat, heartburn, nasal congestion or runny nose (due to overproduction of mucus), or vomiting. Many chemicals are toxic because when they come into contact with the human body they cause harm.

One of the main ways they harm the body is by poisoning enzymes, which prevents the body from functioning properly. Tobacco smoke, for example, causes lung cancer and other conditions. And you've probably heard of asbestos, a substance that was commonly used in construction before the 1970s, when it was discovered to cause cancer. Modern society tries to mask body odor and bad breath by pushing mints and deodorant.

However, body odor, bad breath, and foul-smelling stools are not normal and in fact indicate that you have a slow digestion and a congested liver. Bad breath is usually a symptom of dysbiosis, an imbalance of good and bad bacteria of the intestine. Body odor comes from skin bacteria that break down sweat released by sweat glands. If your body does not have a healthy balance of bacteria, due to a high toxic load, this may be the reason.

A metabolic detoxification plan helps the body address and eliminate toxins. The human body is exposed to endogenous and environmental toxins every day. In some cases, the body does not effectively remove toxins and they can accumulate in organs and tissues, disrupting normal cellular function and increasing the risk of disease. Using metabolic detoxification programs to support the body's detoxification systems and reduce toxic body load is critical to overall health and longevity.

By doing a detox or minimizing the toxins that the body has to process, you give the liver the space it needs to start processing these toxins again. Once processed, they are released into the lymphatic system, kidneys and blood to be eliminated. Excess toxins left long enough in the body can present a whole range of health problems and problems. The term “toxin” in the context of detoxification diets is vaguely defined.

It usually includes contaminants, synthetic chemicals, heavy metals and processed foods, which can adversely affect health.

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