Toxic overload can lead to a number of changes in the body. In the early stages, the body tries to expel these toxins by any means necessary. You may experience diarrhea, sneezing or coughing attacks, excessive urination, sore throat, heartburn, nasal congestion or runny nose (due to overproduction of mucus), or vomiting. As mentioned above, effective elimination is essential for optimal health.
Researchers do not attribute 95% of all diseases to complications in the intestine. If you have chronic gas, bloating, heartburn or constipation. Diarrhea or food sensitivity, it's a good idea to talk to a doctor or qualified health professional to find out the root cause of symptoms. Research has confirmed the connection between the intestine and the brain.
The accumulation of toxic substances in the body weakens the immune system and increases the likelihood of infection and disease, disrupting the diversity of bacteria in the intestine. There have been numerous studies linking gut bacteria to anxiety and depression and show that many mood disorders can be treated by normalizing bacteria in the gut. Each organ in the body has a rush hour in which they perform most of their work. For the liver, this usually happens between 2 and 6 in the morning.
If you have trouble sleeping well and often wake up in the middle of the night, this may be a sign that your liver is struggling to detoxify. Visceral fat, the fat that is stored inside the abdominal cavity, is the most dangerous type of fat, due to its proximity to vital organs, such as the liver, pancreas and stomach. This fat is not easily seen, since it is located deep below the surface of the skin. Visceral fat is also known as “active fat” because it influences the functioning of hormones in the body.
Stress, lack of exercise and poor diet can contribute to excess visceral fat. The more visceral fat a person has, the higher the risk of certain diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, breast and colorectal cancer, and heart disease. A body composition test that measures the waist-to-hip ratio is beneficial in measuring the risk of heart disease and its metabolic conditions. If you experience any of these symptoms, it would be a good idea to start keeping a detailed food diary for at least 3 to 5 days to see what foods may be contributing to your symptoms.
It is also a good idea to evaluate your lifestyle, such as stress, sleep and daily physical activity, to assess in which areas you can start making changes to support the body's detoxification processes. While poor diet and lifestyle habits will definitely contribute to the accumulation of toxins in the child, there are many other factors that can also do so. Stay tuned next week as we continue this series on Detox 101 to find out the other culprits that can wreak havoc on your body. Believe it or not, mood swings could be an early manifestation of toxic overload.
All those temperaments, irritability, misplaced anger and other signs of unstable behavior are some of the effects of toxic overload. If you are planning to detoxify your body, it may make you feel depressed as your body is flushing out toxins. This sensation you're experiencing is perfectly normal and it's not a sign that you're getting sick. Experiencing these symptoms is a good sign.
It means that the program is working and that the body is working to establish a new level of well-being. The skin also shows signs of detoxification. You may have a rash, itch, or sweat more than usual. Emotionally, your moods can change from anger to sadness, anxiety or depression.
Cognitively, your motor reflexes may be slower. The main signs of detoxification include seizures, delirium and hallucinations. .